This is Kuan Yin. She is a bodhisattva, an enlightened being, whose essence is compassion. She hears all cries for help (thus her hairdo) and her arms reach out in aid (thus she holds a heart and a small kitten.) Her unconditional love is like that of the blessed Virgin Mary or a Jewish Mama, whatever your beliefs.
At the time I made her, I was watching a Korean TV drama series centered on a magical, mysterious royal court called The graceful way the is depicted here on Kuan Yin. Kinda like the big, puffy soft cloud unconditional LOVE feels like.
The pin in the picture is an adaptation of a pearl necklace collar my grandmother crocheted. I circled it around reflective mother-of-pearl and wear it on my heart or second chakra as a centering. Oh, yes, and my grandmother's nickname was 'Pearl.'
And mine is Jade. I am not promising any good luck or riches symbolized by pearls and jade, or even beautiful, compassionate grandmotherly, goddess energies if you buy this print...I'm just sayin'. Now you know this little creation's story. The best part is when you add your own story to any myth. The energy is here and offered in all the goodness of dear Kuan Yin.